Tuesday 26 January 2016

Why Choose the Cambridge Weight Plan?

For people who many not know much about us we can get questions like - why would I choose this plan?

The Cambridge Weight Plan Consultants are in a league of their own.

Trying to lose weight is a tough slog. Often feeling like a huge un-achievable mountain to climb. But what if you had a motivator by your side every step of the way?

You consultants are here for you on your weight loss journey. Whichever consultant you choose to help you lose the weight, he or she will be by your side making sure you reach and maintain your goals.

Unlike many weight loss plans, The Cambridge Plan is tailor made for you. So even if you have medical conditions, many people can still embark on a tailor made program - but your consultant will give you a thorough consultation to decide if you are able to start a program.

So why do we believe the Cambridge Weight Plan is right for you?

Cambridge Success Stories

Amanda Power
Amanda went from a size 24 to a size 12. She also won International Slimmer of the year 2015

Ann Mc Henry

I had been overweight for as long as I could remember, but I refused to step onto the scales – I was in denial. I never went out with friends because I was so conscious of my size and had very low self esteem.
My Consultant, Kay, is a great source of motivation and always there at the end of the phone if I need her. I have lost over 8 stone (50.8kg). My confidence levels have increased tenfold and, most importantly, I am no longer putting my life in danger by placing so much pressure on my heart.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Success Stories - How I lost 5 Stone

Nikki McDonnell

Finalist in Cambridge Weight Plan (Ireland) Slimmer of the Year 2011
Fat, Overweight and Obese are words I’ve grown accustom to over the last ten years or so, actually I can’t remember ever not being overweight. I have tried all the diets and can honestly say been there! Done that! And have all the XXL tee-shirts to prove it didn’t work.  When I lost my job in 2009 I thought while looking for work I can focus on losing the weight before my wedding in June 2010. I managed to loose 1st 8lbs but at 5ft 2 I was still 13st 8lbs for my wedding day.  After the wedding we settled into married life a little too settled perhaps as by the following January I bravely stepped onto the scales and nearly fell right back off 16st 2lbs I was so embarrassed, I wouldn’t leave the house afraid of meeting someone who knew me, instead if I needed anything I would ring my husband and ask him to get it on the way home, I wasn’t living anymore I was just surviving and at 27 I should have been living it up.  My mother was terrified for my health and the doctor was trying to put me on blood pressure tablets as my weight wasn’t the only thing that had shot up.  I managed to lose a few pounds but I couldn’t stay motivated and to make matters worse I was still looking for work which made me even more depressed.
One day after waking up I thought ok I’ve had enough I grabbed the laptop and started punching at the keys “Diets ….. Weight loss….. Diet reviews etc.……. Eventually I found the one Cambridge hmmm this looks promising. I went to the Cambridge website and found my closest counsellor who was Caroline Matthews. I didn’t want to wait a minute longer so I rang and from that first phone call Caroline had me motivated and ready to go. I went to her house the following day and we sat and chatted for an hour as I was leaving I knew this is it, this time I’m going to do it. After one month on the diet I was down over a stone and amazingly enough after looking for two years I got a job, I thought things couldn’t get much better than this but they did.
With the support of my family and friends ~(watching my every move I might add I couldn’t even smell something cooking without them shouting “ get away from there”) and the motivation Caroline would give me every week it was a success I’ve lost five stone to date. I don’t recognise that girl from January the one who wasn’t living.  Now I never sit down, I always have somewhere to go or something to do and when I do have a bit of free time I don’t sit on the sofa and eat I get up and go to the gym or for a long walk, I have never felt as free or happy as I do now
Nikki's Counselor is Caroline Matthews

Thursday 14 January 2016

Exercise, Diet and You

The Cambridge Weight Plan is not only committed to helping you achieve your ideal weight, but to assist you maintain your new shape by leading a fitter, healthier lifestyle in the long-run. This section aims to educate you on fitness and exercise and it couldn’t be easier with our Fitness with Cambridge programme.

Fitness with Cambridge

Before embarking on a new exercise programme you need to consider your current health, weight, age and the lifestyle you lead. If you haven’t been physically active for a while, then start off slowly and work your way up using Cambridge’s Step by Step Programme.

It will be helpful to consult your Cambridge Consultant before you start exercising. If you have a BMI of 30+, diabetic or disabled then you may want to speak to your GP about your best methods of exercise available to you.

Fitness with Cambridge Programme
Penny Porter MSc, BSC (Hons), MCSP, SRP, FISTC, REP, is a leading figure in sports science and bio-mechanics, she is one of the country's top exercise consultants. With her knowledge and expertise we have created Fitness with Cambridge, producing a fitness pack for Cambridge customers!
This unique pack is the start to a healthier you. The DVD provided is easy to follow and presents easy to do stretches, from sitting in the chair to fully aerobic movements and even pool exercises.
So, when you have a spare 10 minutes use this as a guide and progress. For more information and purchase enquiries, please contact your local Consultant.

Step by step guide
More information can be found in Fitness with Cambridge handbook.
Exercising whilst dieting can be very beneficial and it is very important for long term weight maintenance. It can enhance your energy levels, tone, improve circulation and help repair your body faster.

It’s a balancing act
Achieving the right balance of eating healthy and staying active, not to mention keeping it up can be a challenge!
Start with mini adjustments such as longer walks for the dogs, walking the kids to school instead of driving and the old classic of using the stairs instead of the escalators!

Exercise and diet = the ideal combination.

What are the health risks of being inactive?
The most common long term health risks include Coronary Heart Disease, strokes, high blood pressure, Type 2 Diabetes, osteoporosis and weight gain. Short term problems include tiredness, breathlessness, reduced energy levels, fatigue and sleep apnoea (a sleep disorder found in obese or over weight people).

It is important to remember that not everyone will suffer from health complications as a result of being inactive, but you’re habits, good or bad could affect your family. Remember an increasing number of teenagers are now suffering with Type 2 Diabetes and 27% of children are deemed as being overweight.

Quick Facts
Exercise helps preserve lean body mass and helps decrease body fat.

Increasing activity levels substantially reduces the risk of Coronary Heart Disease, risk of stroke and high blood pressure.

The government recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate activity 5 days per week.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

How to Keep Losing Weight During the January Blues

Many of us are embarking on our weight loss plan for 2016.

A new you, with a new body, new attitude - yes yes we know the drill by now.

But why is it so many people fail in their quest for weight loss in the first week?

Well a lot of it has to do with our approach to losing weight.

To many of us losing weight means:

  • Food deprivation
  • Desperate food cravings
  • Depression at the thought of how much you actually have to lose
Do any of those sound familiar?

Well here at the Cambridge Weight Plan we are delighted to say that we can help you over come these obstacles and any others that are in your way from losing weight.

We offer fantastic FREE consultations right throughout your weight loss journey and even after when you are maintaining. You will have one to one support from beginning to end. 

So here are some tips from us at the Cambridge Weight Plan:
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Keep moving - even if it is as simple as taking the stairs instead of the lift
  • Eat snacks
  • NEVER miss a meal
  • Get a support network to keep you on track
  • Smile! We always do. :)

Find a consultant in your area today and get yourself on the road to success.

Your weight loss success is just one click away. 

Sunday 20 December 2015

Have You Managed to Stick to Your Weight Loss Plan Over the Festive Period?

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to new things in the New Year.

So how did you do this festive season with your weight loss plan?

We love the quote above because it really defines what we are trying to teach people here at the Cambridge Weight Plan.

Your commitment to your plan is all year round. It is tough for all of us to fight the temptation of all the delicious food and the extra calories in alcohol. But it can be done.

Moderation is your motivation.

When at parties, don't stand near the food table and I often take my own vegetable crudities or a Cambridge snack bar to fill me up. It's the empty calories in the party snacks that makes us eat more.

Instead of sitting down after a heavy meal, go for a 20 minute walk. It will make you feel much better and will burn a few extra calories too!

We know it is boring but drinking plenty of water will always help you flush through your system, keep you hydrated and did you know what we very often mistake thirst for hunger? If you feel peckish, try to drink a glass of water before you drive into a snack.

And most importantly, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!

Your Cambridge Weight Plan Consultants are here to help you every step of the way on your weight loss and weight management journey.

You are never alone, just book in to see us if you need some support or need the motivation of a weigh in.

Have a fantastic start to 2016 and we are looking forward to helping you achieve amazing results.

Need a FREE consultation? Book here and get started today

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Is the Cambridge Weight Plan Right For You? Your FREE Gift is Right Here

Is the Cambridge Weight Plan right for you?

We offer a one to one service which is FREE of charge.

We offer you a weekly weigh in to help you track your progress and keep you motivated.

All our plans are medically approved.

We don't offer a generic plan, all our weight loss plans are tailor made to suit you as an individual.

We not only encourage you but we also set up a maintenance plan to ensure once you have reached your target weight, you can keep it off.

Then once you have reached your target weight, feel free to come back at any time for FREE to have a weigh in or consultation.

Our programme is:
  • ·         Safe, convenient and easy to use
  • ·         Nutritionally balanced
  • ·         Produces excellent weight loss in the desired timescale
  • ·         And to advise you during your weight loss journey, a trained and accredited Independent Cambridge Consultant will help motivate and encourage you to reach and maintain your target weight.


We are with you every step of the way, to help you achieve your weight loss dreams.

So what are you waiting for?